Posts by bob daktari

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  • Hard News: This time it's Syria,

    I always get very uncomfortable when a nation (far too often the USA) is willing to use military force against another sovereign nation because they disagree with what that sovereign nation is doing

    Unfortunately I don't have a better solution... nor it seems does the UN due to the Veto in the Security Council and its own complicated and often seemingly useless self

    It hurts to be a bystander of such violence and inhumanity... yet that still doesn't give one the moral nor legal right to military retaliation

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Speaker: Naked Inside the Off-Ramp,

    I loathe the use of the term inside the beltway, it supposes the general public don't care or understand... which simply isn't true - its elitist and condescending

    as for the passing of this bill - those opposed/concerned won't be forgetting this issue nor the bullying and arrogant nature of the govt.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Bright pastel…,

    I fondly remember seeing the Clean for the first time on their reunion tour in the tron, 1990 having thought youse bastards on your OE's would be the only lucky ones - I thought it would be the one and only time I'd ever get to see them... they ruled and continue to and I've many more live memories of them to treasure

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fluency, ease of manner - and…, in reply to Euan Mason,

    some may trust Key not to spy on them but would you trust Shearer? Or Norman? Peters?

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: I'm Over The Edge, in reply to Russell Brown,

    yep - and its a shame as the experience you have as you enter a venue can make or break your mood for the evening

    Is it too much to ask for people to greet you with a smile as you enter having paid for the privilege - as for the chewing gum, I get their fear the building might be damaged... for like the custodians I too love our town hall and would be very angry to find it harmed in any way

    I missed the Skeptics doco screening - anyone know if there will be a DVD? So want one for the collection, one of my all time fave bands!

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: I'm Over The Edge,

    last time I went to the town hall I was searched - they were after my chewing gum and duly confiscated it... though that which was in my mouth was allowed into the venue which kinda defeats the purpose I guess.

    Heavy handed paranoid rubbish, what do they think contemporary music lovers are?

    Sweet a new Royals remix... getting quite the collection now

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: U: It's about the combos,

    I feel you've missed the importance of soon being able to watch Home and Away one hour later than others

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music: The Love of Food,

    nice work basement tapes - really enjoying the Lorde remixes I've come across - they've been the gateway to me actually listening to her EP, which is often the case with "pop" acts in my world

    work found me over at this blog last week and what a lovely range of mixes they have

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Hope Springs,

    Looking forward to BDO @ The Springs - please no more tired been here before wrestling the last vestige of credibility and cash from a career acts... and hopefully not a huge jump in price

    Now with that said and whilst I eat my hat here's Bryan Ferry (ha).... touched by the hand of Terje from a just released EP of remixes of Don't Stop the Dance - worth the price for this and the Greg Wilson revisits alone (beatport )

    Wouldn't Terje playing records or them digital file thingys at a small(ish) outdoor stage near water be a magic thing....

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Speaker: Music Extra: Manic Street…, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    more likely to watch quietly from the back of the room one would think

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

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