Posts by DexterX

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  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom and the GCSB, in reply to Sacha,

    Danyl adds some pertinent questions.
    ...what strikes me as the real issue is that someone in the GCSB must have known that they broke the law, and they kept it quiet for months before notifying anyone. That’s a sacking/resignation level offense.
    I’m still a bit unclear on Bill English’s level of complicity. ...

    The role of the GCSB only came to light when the Police were giving evidence in Court on the extradition and disclosure issues.

    How do armed FBI operatives get entry into NZ and then escort/observe the GCSB and the NZ Police raid on the Kim Dot Com home - the purpose of the raid is to take him into custody, gather evidence and get him extradited to the USA - without the Government of the day, at the highest level, knowing this?

    I feel it is likely that the GCSB were directed by the Government, at the highest level, to conduct the surveillance and it took place much earlier on than has been admitted.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom and the GCSB,

    Key attending his son’s baseball team’s overseas trip in preference to attending the soldiers’ funeral service falls nicely into place to allow English to sign the ministerial warrant that GCSB would have had Key sign.

    Key appears to me to have taken/created the opportunity to put daylight between himself and an issue that he, if he were competent, would have some knowledge of, being the minister in charge.

    I feel that Key and English are being substantially dishonest in this matter – the persecution of Kim Dot Com by the NZ Govt and all the surrounding behaviour is Nixonian in flavour.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom and the GCSB, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    I agree with you this is how it likely evolved

    I think the steps might be:
    a. GCSB provide data (in bulk, probably) to NSA
    b. NSA provide information on requested subjects to FBI
    c. FBI request NZ Police to lawfully "re-obtain" said information
    d. NZ Police request GCSB assistance

    To my mind it is also highly likely the GCSB were involved with the FBI dealing with Kim Dot Com and others much earlier than the period - 16 Dec 2011 through until 20 January 2012 - the official bit of the unlawful activity.

    The further disclosure that Dot Com is seeking from the FBI may reveal more and earlier NZ Involvement - if the FBI fail to disclose all they have - then they effectively limit what they can later present as evidence against Dot Com.

    If the situation is such that the FBI fail to attend to a full disclosure as they are protecting parties in the NZ Govt then it works to Kim Dot Com's advantage.

    The extent of the GSCB activity in the Megaupload is now suppressed as Bill English last month signed, as acting Prime Minister a ministerial certificate.

    I find it disingenuous that Key only knew about the wider issues last week, and following receipt of this knowledge we have an inquiry ordered by Key.

    What we really have is a well-planned and executed damage control plan, which involves Key getting off the hook.

    I feel it is likely the Kim Dot Com case will be dismissed or withdrawn as the FBI are not going to attend to a full disclosure when it is likely that evidence would likely damage the government and will also be most likely found to be in admissible on account of such evidence being gathered unlawfully.

    The full disclosure of the evidence is only in the interests of justice and as a result of no benefit to GCSB, The Police, the FBI and First Citizen John Key The First - he is so great he is more clever than any person anywhere.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom and the GCSB,

    Key didn't know he hadn't heard - it did not register with his conscious self - at the time he was at work playing pretend and in this dress up game he was Obama - he didn't think the calls and communications were real - in his mind it was new friends from the Diplomatic Protection Squad and others jioning in the game.

    Key is busy sorting out the plumbing on Planet Key - as he really really needs to go to the tiolet - this is why he will comment no further.

    It is hard not to be a dick when the standard and calibre of the government is as low as it is at present.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Because Statistical Rigour, in reply to Lilith __,

    In a week when the Ministry of Education can describe closing schools as "rejuvenation", I no longer expect anything to make sense.

    To have used the word "rejuvenation" is to imply that the govt got it wrong and is having to make adjustments - this is inidcative of an inability of someone in mined to accept two contradictory beliefs simultaneously - which is of itself ungood.

    The word is "juvenannihilation" - to make a thing doubleplusgood from resources made available.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Because Statistical Rigour,

    I find myself asking instead of making meaningless comparisons, as a parent, well then what is going to ensure that children everywhere get a quality education?

    The answer I come up with is, "A change of government".

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fox News: I know, right?,

    Rommney - Turd Contaignment Crews - Classic - the whole thing is the truth through the filter of homour of stating hte bleeding obvious.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Because we can",

    Romney - Turd Containment Crews - Classic - the Comedy Central thing is the truth of the matter filtered via the humour of stating the bleeding obvious.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Because we can", in reply to Angus Robertson,

    The only reason it has come out this week is that Obama's foreign policy needs a distraction now.

    I just don't think so - Mojo isn't in anyone's pocket.

    Mitt Romney is pretty much a perpetual political idiot - the only time he takes one foot out of his mouth is to put the other one in. He is not credible - I think he will be great as the impetus to get the democratic vote out. The fear that he could be the next President should be more than enough motivation.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Because we can",

    Reecent events suggest Paula Benefit and Mitt Romney have been brain storming - lots of storm and not much brain.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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