Posts by DexterX

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  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers,

    The answer.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers,

    Keys opinion of Justice Winkleman's deliberation are - That's just another legal opinion - he sees the operation of law as a thing that you just keep running with, getting legal opinion after legal opinion, until you have the one that justifies the action you want to take or have already taken..

    All things are so Hunky John Key Dory, this really isn't necessary, after all it is just the govt being the govt - is it not - Ms Kitteridge placement in CGSB, really isn't necessary.

    Keeping the proverbial away from the fan and putting the frighteners up any and all GCSB staff that have concerns with the whole KDC saga - is not what this is about.

    We will get the Kitteridge report on CGSB and that is going to be that.

    Key from TV3 News - "Yeah the conspiracy theorists won’t like it they’ll be on TV tonight saying ‘yeah you know Dotcom’ and all this sort of carry on but they live in fantasy land.”

    Living in real world NZ I ask, “Yeah, on Planet Key is everyone, including the contrarians, stoned?”

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    Actually very much IMO.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to Sacha,

    Another residual matter will dog the Government - Key's failure to take responsibility for his department's fundamental mistakes.

    That this all stems from a "department's fundamental mistake" is improbable.

    We are only aware of this GCSB issue as KDC legal team pursued it - we have the Deputy Prime Minister signing a suppression order as a result - a revelation in itself.

    It is implausible that Key as Prime Minister; Minister in charge of the GCSB had no knowledge of the biggest combined operation (FBI/Police/SIS (GCSB)) culminating in a spectacular raid on a private citizen in his electorate.

    On balance it is not a hard stretch, or even a stretch at all, to consider the "illegal spying" as a deliberate action as opposed to a fundamental mistake.

    Key’s challenge is, “Prove it”.

    KDC’s legal team may be able to join the dots and if the case is abandoned or found in favour of KDC the basis of any settlement or resulting judgment will be suppressed on the basis of protecting the interests of national security.

    Key is likely to "win", in that he won't be held accountable - whether KDC is extradited or KDC’s case prevails - that really is a problem.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media3: Standards Showdown,

    "Parents are those in the best position to judge all the requirements necessary for the best education of their children."

    As a parent I am not in any real position to judge the requirements necessary for the best education of my child - in the same manner that I am not in any real position to do the electrical wiring in my home.

    I turn a switch and the light comes on, I send my daughter off to school and she learns and gains an education - I have to trust others to see that the right things happens the right way.

    What the furor over National Standards has lead me to do is go and look at the ministry of Ed website and this then lead me to the links on the National Curriculum which is something that I am more interested in.

    I spent most of my Saturday morning looking at the curriculum pages and the how I can support my child pages – which I will revisit and use to engage more with her learning. I only went to look at the National Standard Graphic thingy for my daughter’s school just before rolling out the door to work.

    To me, there seems to be an undercurrent in this debate, if you could call it that, of what I want, I want, I want from the education system is the ability for my child to do much better than your child and I want, I want, I want the publication of National Standards to be able to tell me which school is best to achieve this outcome.

    This emphasis isn’t healthy.

    Schools are, also, measured on a decile rating – a summary measure of the economic depravation likely to be suffered by children.

    Good on Campbell Live for fundraising for the KidsCan initiative to provide lunch to those children in decile 1 to 4 primary schools that are going hungry during the school day.

    It would be good to see a government get concerned with “issues” as opposed to self interest and bashing beneficiaries – The macro economic settings of the economy and how it is managed is what is failing..

    The key educational outcomes I want for my child I also want for the children of others. I have faith in her, her school and her teachers.

    I have no faith in this government - everything seems to end up as an acrimonious shit fight.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers,

    From the herald this morning:

    Sir Geoffrey Palmer

    Sir Geoffrey said Mr Key should have been told from the start.

    "I would have thought if the GCSB was using its sophisticated surveillance methods in a situation like this, it would be prudent to tell the minister. I don't understand that at all.

    "In my experience with them, they were meticulous in consulting ministers when they needed, and should have."

    Justice Neazor & John Key

    Justice Neazor told 3 News last night that the GCSB had "made a mistake".

    Asked about a further three instances relating to the GCSB's use of its powers that he referred to in his last annual report, Justice Neazor, a retired High Court judge, said he could not recall them.

    However, Mr Key said he had asked Justice Neazor about those instances and was assured they were minor and had been addressed..

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers,


    Connive, Obfuscate, Destroy - Connive, Obfuscate, Destroy

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to nzlemming,

    Cockup is far more likely than deep, dark conspiracy

    The only cock up was they got found out.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to FletcherB,

    So they had the email contents BEFORE they had (legal) physical access to the hardware?

    Likely, some of it anyway - and then consider the team gathering the evidence - made up of NZ Police/OFCANZ, GSCB and the FBI gathered the evidence largely in NZ - with the GSCB playing the larger part - seizxing the harddrives (and cloning them to provide to the FBI) are a part of cleansing that part of the evidence from the contamination of the "illegal activity".

    In any eventKDC legal team are going hard out for a full disclosure.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to Sacha,

    Now wondering how those were obtained..

    The seized hardrives that were later cloned and copies inadvertently given to the FBI.

    The purpose of the raid being the arrest, and search for and seizure of evidence.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1224 posts Report

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