Posts by rodgerd

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  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    But domestic violent uprising of some sort, in a Western country?

    Northern Ireland just somehow passed you by?

    What I'm thinking now is that if this turns out to be serious, this should put paid to further calls for increases in police powers, because it would be an example of existing power working well.

    It should, but it won't.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    Sorry, RodgerD, I'm pressed for time at the moment.
    Would anyone like to take up the challenge of extending Rodger's horizons?

    I'm sorry for interrupting you in your busy day of being snide. My horizons are fine; yours appear to bogged down in being defined by things and people you profess to dislike.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    There are better things we could be doing with the time.

    Please feel free to come down from the mountain, oh Emissary of The Lord, and Announce unto us peasants His Will in the Ways of Better Things and What We May Do. We are ill-educated idiots who grave your radiant wisdom.

    We may have the least nationalistic anthem ever.

    This would be the anthem about how blessed we are by God? Religious and nationalistic superiority in one go!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Invisible Harblz,

    Is there going to be a Freeview box with a built in PVR recorder thingy?

    The PS3 is getting a Freeview compatible receiver dongle and PVR software.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deriving satisfaction from…,

    t is heavily Java based - and Sun haven't released a patch

    Oh, so the Sun JVM patches we've been applying all over the place here are figments of our imagination? There are both general updates in the 6u2 release and a compatibiliy tool that scans your system for JVMs, and updates their tzinfo for you.

    And it has confirmed my growing dislike of Java, that's for sure.

    It has confirmed you've got a triumph of outrage over expertise, anyway. The update, available here was first available in May. If you're using a non-Sun JVM that hasn't got a patch, you should abuse that vendor, not Sun or Java in general.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Southerly: In Praise of Arthur,

    I have to assume she was using scissors to cut it. It looks like she used a tiny enraged pomeranian. Either as the cutting device, or the model.

    The worst hair cut I have ever had was when I was working in Dudley (outside Birmingham). It was awful. It made me look, as one wit in the office said, "like a local", and there was little that could be worse.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Southerly: In Praise of Arthur,

    This raises a very interesting point. I also loathe having to make awkward conversation with strangers (it actually gave me hives on one occasion) so maybe I prefer a barber simply because of the strict conversational protocol.

    I have a hairdresser (Clubman in Left Bank, if anyone cares) who has a mostly male clientele and understands that a number of her clients do not wish to spend the whole time yammering away.

    I have awkward curly hair that can be cut such that it looks fine walking out of the hairdresser, but horrible the next day. So my number one qualification is someone who can get it right every time. Leah does. I pray nothing happens to her and that she outlives me (or my hair). The fact she's not chatty and is good looking are bonuses.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Cure -- for what ails you,

    Because you can buy Bob Dylans respect. For $120.

    If Dylan doesn't like the people who pay $120 to come to see him, he should perhaps make attendence based on something other than stupid ticket prices. Or not perform. If he hates performing but does it for the money, he's a whore. And unless I'm into the whole BDSM experience, I'd prefer my whores to pretend they like their work.

    It's the nature of the service industry.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Cure -- for what ails you,

    *sigh* God that's stupid

    I think Craig's agreeing with me, but I can't tell. Heh.

    The Cure's was ham-fisted - making their whole 30 year oeuvre sound like it came from their 2004 "rock" album.

    So you don't like it. Oh well. They obviously do. And if integrity as an musician means much of anything, it means performing the music you like, the way you like, rather than churning out whatever you've been told will make the most moolah.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

  • Hard News: The meaning of a Banana,

    Which often involves rediscovering one's original culture too.

    Indeed, although that can sometimes go nasty, as well as nicely. Consider Fuckwit-Am... sorry, Irish-Americans and their often so-simplified-it's-bullshit view of Ireland and their largesse directed at the IRA, or the penomenon (discussed on PA recently) of second and third generation militant Islamic young Asian Brits.

    In the case of the latter in particular I wonder how much it has to do with the ease with which one can romaticise the original culture and county from the position of privilege one's parents have provided.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 512 posts Report

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