Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Speaker: Two Ticks,

    My first thought when I heard the result was wildly different from the pre-vote polls was: "Were they using Diebold voting machines?"

    That said, I think the Dems will have the luxury of having their cake and eating it too. I think the Reps will be out of power for awhile this time round. 8 years of HRC as pres with Obama as VP then 8 years of him as Pres. If he would make a good pres now he'll make a great one after 8 years as VP. Sound good.

    Yes, take a seat at the back of the bus Mr Obama, it's not your turn yet. I think Peter Costello serves as a good example of why anyone with leadership aspirations shouldn't politely wait their turn. It's a lesson John McCAin is about to learn too.

    Anyway, my main objection to Clinton is that surely in a country of 300million the USA can do better than continually handing the presidency to the same friggin families. If Neil's prediction is correct then that country will have been ruled by two families for 32 years.

    I hear you, brother. And despite so many saying it will never happen, I'm worried Jeb might make a run next time too. I think he's deliberately taken himself off the radar so he can make a 'fresh' run in 2012. Remember, if the Dems win this year they will inherit the shit avalanche that's about to drop on the US, and in 2012 the Repubs will spin it as 'what you get when you elect a Democrat to the Whitehouse'

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    duh ....

    " it was meant as a clue that everything else I said was BS as well ..."

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    And Ubud doesn't have a beach anyway.....

    I know - it wasn't meant as a clue that everything else I said was BS as well ...

    hopefully you're a good friend of Simon's cos that's some pretty personal jabs to make to a respected stranger.

    Wow! I wasn't making a 'jab' I was making an obscure crack about your comment "straight?". My apologies to anyone & everyone who was offended. (But should Mr Grigg be more offended that you think he might drive under the influence of mind altering substances?)

    BTW - I don't personally know Simon Grigg or anyone else on this site (unlike some of the regulars on PAS - does that constitute a 'cabal'?) but as a public figure he is widely known in Auckland, which is why I presumed it was obvious that I was joking when I tried to paint a picture of him dancing with his shirt off, in hot pants. I also don't know Russell Brown personally, despite me referring to him as RB.

    But to be clear: My apologies to anyone & everyone who was offended.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    now what I would have liked to have seen was the [drug] dealers making full account of all their sales on the night, submitting a report of income to apra .... and of course said dealers would also do the right thing by submit 19.5% tax to IRD on their income, or whatever rate was applicable for their yearly income.

    Yes, and after that they could strap themselves to the nearest pig and fly to the next rave...

    Myself I listen to so called club / electronic music at home, in the car etc, not in any way exclusively but whenever the mood takes me.


    So that's why he fled to Bali!! I can see it now: Mr Grigg in hot pants, shirt off, dancing on the beach, waving his Rainbow flag, inviting hot young men back to his apartment in Ubud, and telling them how 'free' he feels now he's left homophobic Auckland far behind him. All those years in the closet but now he can be who he wants to be ....

    ... that wife referred to on his website must be a beard - how else do you explain that they've never been photographed together for the Sunday gossip sections? It's all so obvious now ...


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,


    And here at home, more people have been killed as a result of angling related activities than party pills. But recreational fishing is still legal ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • How's that Air NZ "Fuel Surcharge"…,

    When I saw the Air NZ spin machine on TV3 news last night trying to pass off the Boeing vs A1 Car race as some sort of comparison 'test' for a possible future move to 'bio-fuels' I wanted to hurl. Funny how they didn't mention that 'angle' to the NZ Herald in yesterday's morning paper - back then all they could excuse themselves with was a weak ...

    The Boeing 777 had no passengers or freight and minimal fuel ... Captain Morgan said the race used less fuel than a test flight.

    I'm sorry, but neither explanation washes and I for one won't be flying Air NZ in the future (when I have a choice). I was already pissed off by your previous antics (advertising cheap fares, but then adding a 'Fuel Surtax'*) and this just seals the deal. I can't wait for the BS to flow when you 'switch' to 'bio-fuel'.

    *more __here__

    The Commerce Commission has ruled that Air NZ must not include a fuel surcharge as a separate part of its fare pricing structure. Instead, any extra charge for fuel must be incorporated into the actual ticket price.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Daily Embarrassment,


    I heard on RadioLive news today speculation that Nandor may 'step down' at the next election. (It sounded like double-speak ie they are trying to push him out to make way for the new co-leader) Are the Greens crazy? Unless he's now on P, why would they not want/convince him to stay?

    There's a whole demographic that love the idea of a dope smoking rasta MP, and I doubt the Greens could retain those votes without him.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    BTW (apropos of nothing) ...

    I've just found out an old girlfriend has just sold her internet business for $50 million. That's **US** dollars, baby!

    I haven't seen her since the 80's when she moved to the US (and got married!) but I must look her up ....__

    I'd better lose some weight first... A lot of weight ...__

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    I decided against buying the new Amy Winehouse album (or at least the re-release with bonus CD) at Real Groovy where they were charging $36.99 for it - or $39.99 for what looked to be an 'import' of the same thing...

    ...and a wise decision it was too. $26.99 at JB for the same thing.

    __SNAP!__ I did the same thing. (What a shame then that one disc is noticeably louder than the other.) Having just got back from Sydney I can confirm that JB are a mega-retailer and most likely have buying privileges that match those of The Warehouse.

    It's much easier to issue individual customers with unique, cryptographically-verified identities and then track their sharing/downloading behavior in a centralised file-sharing network

    Yes, let's just scan everyone's Iris' and put a digitised version on a national database (who am I kidding? It would have to be International). We could then make this database available for 'other purposes' in order to make it cheaper to run. Homeland Security will chip in, I'm sure.

    majors are just reclaiming the dosh for their investment, and any poor musician is going to resent that but its the same business practices that apply to all other forms of industry.

    Well that's nice innit? We'll release your record, but deduct sundry charges to cover what we don't recoup on less successful artists.
    Actually, you're right. If 25% of bank loans are dodgy and don't get paid it's the other 75% who pay to cover the banks losses.

    And I don't really give a damn. I'd rather 5000 people were listening to a pirated album than 25 bought it.

    And how would you have felt if 25 ppl paid to get into one of your raves and 5000 just snuck in?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never let the facts ...,

    I've no doubt that the AFFCO vs ACC matter will be sorted in the courts, and that AFFCO will lose. What's saddest to me about this story is

    The sad, ironic note of conclusion is that Joel Storey now does wear a gang colour -- the red of the Mongrel Mob whose bullet wrecked his life.

    I mixed a bit with a a few 'youth gangs' last century, but they were nothing like (and nowhere near as popular) as todays 'youth gangs'. I'm no fan of Rankin et al but if we don't do something quickly we'll be fuct pretty soon. The same warnings were made (and ignored) about P and look where that got us.
    At Xmas dinner my 8-10 y.o. nephews were showing me what gang signs they could throw. Being white middle class boys in 'good schools' I'm not too worried (for now) but it shows how gang culture is going mainstream. And look where the mainstreaming of porn culture got us.
    I wonder when Reality TV will bring us Boyz of The Cripp Mansion??

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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