Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Panic,

    So, is she a woman who looks at porn, or is she the porn women look at? Cos she does nothing for me either way.

    F#ck, what's the nettiquette on PAS? Do we call it pron, p0rn, or porn RB? I'm in favour of porn and sod anyone else's work filter.

    BTW Robyn, my guess is it's as pornographic a picture as Reuters can provide/publish in a newspaper. I think she is representative of a pornographic model. I don't think she is meant to be a woman consuming porn, since there is no copy of Hunky Men or Lesbian Thrills in her hands.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Panic,

    It's her eyes. 'Skanky' is of course a terrible thing to say about another woman. I shouldn't do it. She could well have a degree in maths and another in astrophysics for all I know.

    I now desperately want to know who she is and why she posed for the photograph. Because I have a feeling it might be ironic and funny.

    And it's possible Emma is being ironic/funny by suggesting 'it's the eyes' that make the model appear skanky. Sorry, but being a bloke it is not her eyes that grab my attention. I've tried looking deeply at her eyes but I just don't see what Emma sees.
    But anyway. I'd suggest to RB (and others) that there is no subtext to the photograph. To me it's just your common garden variety __glamour__ shot. It's a staple for the Brits, all 'armless, bit of a laff, eh guv?
    To me its no wonder that 50% of younger women surveyed (to quote Emma's link) don't have a problem with pron. It's now ubiquitous.

    Vitally important research involving looking at attractive 'skanky' women? Suuuurre

    I stand by my statement </honest!> I was interested in seeing what Emma considered skanky. Just as I know you can't see any real pron on YouTube I figured there wasn't going to be anything too risque on (Stuff magazine is another matter).

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Panic,

    'Skanky' is of course a terrible thing to say about another woman. I shouldn't do it. She could well have a degree in maths and another in astrophysics for all I know.

    Yeah, they were always the skankiest b1tches at Uni when I was an Engineering Student trying to concentrate on my studies. The Astrophysicists were by far the worst -- they made the Mathematicians look like Mormons.
    I was gonna say Nuns, but all we know how hot they can be.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Panic,

    where's the link Emma? I'd be interested to see what you consider skanky. My wife made a similar comment about some woman on Tim Gunn, and I'd been musing to myself 'she looks alright'.

    Men. meh!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Panic,

    Amazingly, from what I can understand of this, he actually only overshot a lttle - he was good at this game - it was the bank that lost a lot when it liquidated his positions.

    I remember last century when I guy I know was managing a record shop (part of a chain). He'd been promoted at a very young age to 'manager', gaining all of the long hours and stress, with none of the benefits of a higher salary. A common employer tactic of the day, matched by a common employee tactic: skimming off the till. 10 months later the cops are called in and he's up for 50k worth of theft as a servant.
    I asked him what he did with the 50k and he said he didn't know, he had nothing to show for it. I asked him 'so you were taking an extra grand a week for your self?' and he said 'no way, maybe fifty or a hundred a week tops'.
    I soon discovered why a young guy with very poor maths skills was promoted to running the store. He was the fall guy.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Panic,

    I would argue that if someone (hypothetically) uses a knife on another person, then they should reasonably expect to kill them, and consequently, the offence is murder.

    I'd agree, but I'd also posit that one could bring a knife thinking it would be useful to scare off some young punk kids tagging your wall. The problem is that today's kids aren't so easily intimidated, but people haven't woken up to that. So you've got old codgers thinking they could sort out the problem just by giving these kids a clip round the ear. Or a bit of military disciplne.

    i am assuming you were referring to murder as opposed to death itself....

    kind of, but all death is always hard on those left behind. Even Saddam was mourned.

    the chance to prevent the death of millions by the death of one is surely a legitimate angle to investigate with regards to ethics and morals????

    Yes, and George W Bush would be proud to have you on his debating team. Dubya invaded Iraq with all the good intentions in the world (no, I don't believe it either but lets accept it for the sake of argument) but the outcome was still bad. Sci-Fi (to rope in Craig) is littered with Time Travel stories about changing the past to improve the future, but the result is always a different kind of bad.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • 08 Internet NZ: Where now?,

    I'd just like to log on, click, and have the page roll down immediately. And without being disconnected every few hours. And yes, I'm on broadband.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Panic,

    So if I went round the city topping illegal parkers, that ain't murder?

    Not if you could prove you didn't intend to kill them. Murder by and large requires intent. The 50y.o. in Manurewa will need to reasonably explain why he brought the knife with him, if not to stab the tagger.

    Re: the media reporting, I recall the sister of the 50y.o. calling it a tragedy and sending her condolences to the family of the 15y.o. killed. The family of the 15y.o. have made it clear "he was a good boy" and the media haven't portrayed him as otherwise (other than that he was also a tagger).

    Re: topping illegal parkers, the jury might not have much sympathy for you if you took it upon yourself to walk the streets giving illegal parkers a good thumping and then one such thumping results in death. You might get some sympathy from a jury if every morning when you tried to leave for work you found someone had parked across your driveway to get some cigarettes from the Dairy next door. Every day a different driver but always with the same excuse ("chill out, I was only a minute or two") and the council/police were indifferent to your complaints. So one day you 'snap' (to presume the defence strategy) and give the next person parked over your driveway a good thumping. Resulting in death.

    Death is death, it's always horrible, and undeserved. (And lets not digress into debate over "what if you had the chance to kill Hitler?")

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Panic,

    I'm with Craig. The whole media tone suddenly changed when the stabbing wasn't a young thug attacking a nice well behaved kid and switched to the *inconvenience* of a "businessman" getting arrested for a trivial crime like murder.

    Sheesh, where did you get the idea that the media were portraying this as 'trivial'? Of course the tone changed because this stabbing is different from the others. In this case a 50 y.o. man tried to stop a 15 y.o. youth from tagging his fence. The Police say it was murder so they presumably think they can prove the man brought the knife to the confrontation with the intent to kill the youth.
    I'm not so sure, and wonder if the charge will be pled down to manslaughter. But I don't know the facts yet and neither do many others at this stage. Maybe the man has a history of brandishing the knife and threatening taggers, who knows? Maybe he just went down to the fence to tell the taggers to F.Off and brought the knife as some (poorly thought out) form of protection, based on the media reports of youth gangs and the spate of stabbings, and the situation got out of hand?
    That a 15 y.o. youth (dare I call him a boy?) has lost his life because some moron couldn't handle a confrontation properly is a complete tragedy.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Conchords now part of the Lexicon?,

    Kinda nice to see FOTC namechecked by the HuffPo's political reporter:

    Then the whole show would disintegrate into something that looks like that episode of Flight of the Conchords where Jemaine and Brett compete over Sally. "I made Barack Obama a glass butterfly!" Matthews would brag. Then Sullivan would pull out a disturbingly anatomical oil painting of Obama.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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