Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Make you crazy like datura,

    was wondering

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Make you crazy like datura,

    Is that a 'pathetic salary'?

    That was my point. I wondering how 'pathetic' his salary was that he couldn't get mortgage finance for a $235k loan. Teachers aren't that badly paid anymore (__"Avalanche!!!"__) and the cost of living in ChCh is supposedly lower than Akl.

    What kind of society are we living in that people on above average wages are still reliant on Government handouts ("Working for Families" et al) to live? This has long been a bug bear of mine, way before National jumped on it.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: More time with the family,

    okay, my apologies dc_red, since the Comrade quip reads more inflammatory than the gentle jest I intended ...

    I get all your maths, but what I was wanting to know was: do you think we should give workers 9-13 weeks annual leave? (and nevermind about those bastard employers who would prefer we all worked 52 weeks a year for minimum wage*, lets imagine they have no say in the matter)

    [*"minimum wage? we don't need no stinkin' minimum wage!"]

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Make you crazy like datura,

    If you can't pay a $500k mortgage out of $200k pa, you are managing your money very poorly, it seems to me.

    Yes. Cambell Live last night had on some ChCh chap who had returned from 6 years teaching in Japan with a wife, child, and $40k for a deposit. He tried to buy a house for $275k but couldn't secure the finance, even with the bank including $120 a week from a presumed boarder (wink wink nudge nudge) if he bought the house.

    I had to wonder what pathetic salary he was on that he couldn't manage it. Oh yes, and the other issue was that he'd done the right thing by paying off his $30k student loan. Silly boy, he should have let it run, since it's interest free. Then he might have double the deposit.

    Olly Newland had it right when he commented that with Labour's proposed housing initiatives the chap will be even worse off because he won't qualify for that programme and yet someone who hasn't saved up a deposit will.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: More time with the family,

    I take it as granted that 13 weeks of annual leave is out of the question, since the usual suspects fought tooth and nail against 4 weeks.

    Hold up, wait a minute Comrade ...

    Are you saying that it would be a good idea (post-revolution, when the usual suspects have been lined up and shot) for NZ to have 13 weeks of annual leave? Would this be for all workers, or just those with children?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    the consumer very much does give a toss, which might explain the public outcry and ridicule of the 'band' that made them a worldwide joke.

    It wasn't worldwide Rob, it was American outrage and self embarrassment. Everybody else knew. Just as they know that Britney doesn't really write those songs.

    Gotta agree with Mr Grigg on this one. The 'people' didn't care, they were just embarrassed to be reminded of how they went nuts for MilliVanilli (bigger in NZ per capita than anywhere else, I believe). Sadly, no-one has any excuse to explain their love of Achy Breaky Heart.

    Just as they know that Britney doesn't really write those songs

    Gotta dis__agree with Mr Grigg on this one. I don't think the 'people' know that when Kylie, Madonna, Britney, et all get a song credit it's because their contract demands it. It's how they get paid (Britney earns $700+k __a month because of it). Often all they've come to the studio with is an 'idea' or a chorus lyric. But everyone 'collaborates' in the studio and WOW! a hit is born. Sometimes the collaborations are so good that the songs are already written and demo'ed before the artist even gets into the studio.

    my gag reflex goes mad when I see immaculately dressed teens miming to on multimillion dollar sets playing vastly expensive instruments bought for them by daddy singing about how hard their life is on the street.

    It's not always 'daddy' paying, but there is one guy who likes to be called 'daddy'. As you can see, those kids paid their dues. [disclaimer ~ all allegations are just allegations until Pearlman is proved guilty in a court of Law!]

    who here would rather pay $100 to go see a band mime to backing tapes rather than play the things properly live themselves.

    The masses have spoken, and they much prefer to pay $100 to be entertained and nevermind if there are some 'production tricks' to make us go WOW!. The only concert I went to last year was Pink (long story, don't ask), and watching Transporter 2 on TV the other night I soooo realised where Pink got the 'inspiration' for one of her stage routines from.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Make you crazy like datura,

    This might sound quaint, but the bursting housing bubble is neither the fault of banks, or of government. The fault lies with those who buy and sell houses, and in particular those who commit themselves to precarious levels of debt in the expectation of capital gain, thus driving a speculative bubble.

    those speculators are taking a punt and if the market moves backwards they lose. Just like ticket scalpers who buy tickets for a show that doesn't sell out and no-one wants tickets for.

    Just took a brief look at the Housing/Migration study (62-06) one of their conclusions is that migration of 1% has the effect of an 8-12% price rise for housing. In the last year, according to Stats NZ, we had about 0.34% growth by migration. So there you have it.

    Yeah, right. And I'm guessing the same assumptions would explain the rising crime rate. Or the growth in Juice Bars.

    I'm quite happy paying 'some landlord's rent' at this stage; no rates, no interest and they even mow my lawn!

    Yes, and be even happier because your landlord is paying the bank 10% interest for a 4-5% return on his investment. Better him/her than you.

    Folk that get out of debt before the collapse get to keep all the real money in the system, everyone else gets left with the debt.

    True. I bet a few landlords wish they'd sold pre-Xmas, because now the market is moving sideways/down. And interest rates are going up.

    this week's Listener (that's the one with the cover that looks like last week's, and the week before)

    heh heh ... I was at the dentists on Monday and picked up what I thought was this weeks Listener ~ it was last August's!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: It's (self-employed) Business Time,

    Thanks for the Fry link, I wanted to watch it when it aired but recorded the other channel instead. Shall we start a Pool to see how long before you get hired by TV3? Maybe they could ditch the two aussie reporters on the NZ staff and get you instead? I much prefer kiwi accents to ozzie ones when hearing 'our' news.

    Re the observation that the bulk of the audience were oblivious to all of Fry's 'misses' ~ yes, amazing isn't it? I have a friend who visits a psychic semi regularly and comes back with all sorts of tosh. The psychic is so confident of her work that she provides a tape recording of the session. Listening to it is amazing - it's all generalities with a lot of fishing. And once my friend bites the psychic reels her in. And yet my friend remains oblivious. When she listens to the tape all she hears are the 'psychic revelations'.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    the way certain words can be said to be applied to others ....or not.

    Clinton argued Bennett was speaking in the present tense. 'It all depends,' said the President, 'on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the -- if he -- if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not -- that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....

    'Now if someone had asked me on that day, 'Are you having sexual relations with Ms. Lewinksy?' That is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said, 'No.' And it would have been completely true.'

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another Big Day,

    Mitt Romney pulled out today citing "for the good of the party". I doubt the GOP was being torn asunder but it was a smart move on his part (it's easy to be smart when you know you won't win). Meanwhile it's still neck and neck with the Democrats, with Hillary still out front. And Obama gaining.

    What I'm really picking up on now is a whispering campaign (building to a crescendo) for the Democrats to seal the dream ticket ie Hillary Obama 2008. It's being said by everyone, esp pundits who have been espousing Hillary previously. I get a sense that it's being driven by Hillary supporters who have realised they can't beat Obama outright and know that if they 'go all out' to destroy his chances then they risk kneecapping the democratic party for the real battle in November.

    The problem for the Dems is that Obama doesn't want to be VP and knows that if he takes that job he will be sidelined completely. Obama stands for a different kind of democrat ie the opposite of Hillary, so it would be bizzare for him to accept VP. (Which probably means they'll do a deal before the next big primary in March)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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