Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Make you crazy like datura,

    The "I don't know anyone like this" thing in particular is perhaps best answered by "you don't think you know anyone".

    Heh heh. I still remember being at a Staff Xmas party 2 years ago and launching into a spiel about how I knew a few people who happily took E every weekend during the 90s without any problems, but when they got onto P they (and their lives) got severely fukt up. At which point a client (nice young chap in a suit who looked a good sort) argued back that there was nothing wrong with P and that he had tried it and he didn't turn into some drug crazed addict. And lots of his friends had tried it too and they were also OK. That really made me chuckle.
    I haven't seen him since, and definitely wonder how he coped with it. Anyone else got any "I did P and I'm OK" stories?

    I have been trying (for more than a year, gosh they're busy) to get someone at Auckland City Council, North Shore City Council and SPARC to have a look at some of the photographs/running costs of the incredibly popular water parks that are studded around Vancouver (both the city and the suburbs).

    How blind to the possibilities can those councillors be? They've all holidayed in Cairns at some point haven't they?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wellington, you win,

    Screw the wine-sipping gits at the Zoo gigs.

    It's the Zoo ferchrissakes! What would you have us do? Sip water bottles while dancing freneticly on the spot at the front of the stage? Sculling lager while standing stock still with our arms folded (but nodding our head slightly if some fuckenchoicechoon comes on) and a six pack at our feet, standing in the middle but six rows back (behind the water sippers)?

    Sorry to post such spammy info. This is not myspace afterall.

    I haven't even seen your Mspace page (and am unlikely too) so here is a good place to post.

    I guess Auckland is ok if you grew up there and have a network, probably mostly within your suburb. Coz Auckland isn't really a city

    And yet Auckland City ratepayers continue to pay for things for the rest of the city to enjoy (Eden Park, Domain Concerts, Queens Wharf, etc).

    In Wellington, lots of my network live and work within working distance of each other - so we can easily catch up on an ad-hoc basis.

    How nice for you. And do you discuss buying your sausages from the local butcher, and carrots from the local farmlet, and how when you rode your bicycle to Jono's house and got a puncture you found that it wasn't that far to walk at all?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: More time with the family,

    It does seem sinister that families which could once be supported by one man working 40 hours, have in my lifetime moved even beyond needing two full time wages to support them. And both of those wage earners are probably expected to put in more than the basic 8 hours per day.

    And yet in Standard 4 (in the 70s) I distinctly remember being told in Social Studies that in the future (ie when I was an adult) we would all be working only 20 hours a week because machines would do so much work for us and we would have increased leisure time. Obviously he was wrong (it was a serious lesson, none of your Jet Car BS) on that but he was right about in the future knowledge and information would be a commodity and people would have to pay for it.

    At the time I dismissed the latter, unable to comprehend how anyone could charge for knowledge and information since it was all there for free in the newspaper or a library...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    I know of at least one 'credible' NZ album that was made when the artist was not present for much more than a few overdubs and the photoshoot.....
    can we have another clue on the faker nz artist please.

    3 The Hard Way?
    Others Requiem?
    see here for list of further suspects

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Police dump quadriplegic from wheelchair,

    and if you find the above shocking then don't watch this one:

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Police dump quadriplegic from wheelchair,

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • The Apology,

    but I don't think we'll have the same success by putting this woman on Maori TV ...

    (but the Pio Terei impersonator is pretty good)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Make you crazy like datura,

    is it a case of having to turn up to WINZ and fill in forms, and consequently feel like you're being interrogated and made to feel grateful to the govt for something you're completetly entitled to? Or is it just pop up as part of your tax filing,

    I wonder if this explains the swing to National? There has been much musing over why people feel it's time for a change when actually the economy is going quite well and people don't really have much to complain about.

    Maybe the middle classes (responsible for the bulk of the swing) just begrudge having to apply for their 'entitlements'. They may be entitled to those payments but they still can't help feeling a little bit like a 'beneficiary' when they do, and it rankles a little bit?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: More time with the family,

    she simply informed their teachers at the start of each year (in elementary school) that "my child won't be doing homework.... Any ideas on whether this would fly in NZ?

    I doubt it. Schools are skilled at keeping both parents and children in line. Peel away the smiling facade and beneath each Principal is Cartman shouting__ "Respect My Authoritay!!"__

    But the official response will be:

    "If you don't want your child to do the homework the school feels is an integral part of your child's education programme, then perhaps you should find another school. If that's not possible then please don't blame the school if at the end of the year it's discovered your child has failed to acheive."

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Busytown: Yes he can (or: Is McCain able?),

    My older boy is a confirmed Obama fan, and ventured the other day that "African American people are just smarter at the job than women."

    If only Cleopatra Jones were running!

    Because I'm far too busy and important to do my own research, can someone please tell me what the likelihood of Clinton taking Obama for VP or vice versa is, depending on who wins the nomination?

    When asked that question the candidates gave the following responses:

    Clinton: "A Snowballs Chance In Hell"
    Obama: "When Pigs Fly"

    When told of the other candidates response, each candidate further responded:

    Clinton: "Is that a sexist slur?"
    Obama: "Is that an ethnic slur?"

    </sound of foghorn>

    Okay, well, ... I thought this cartoon was kind of funny.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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