Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: Not so much ironic as outrageous,

    She has since been the subject of yet another assault complaint, from her daughter, who was removed from her care late last year.

    Oh well, that just proves it then. The poor child was quite happy until kidnapped by the government and brainwashed into making bogus claims about her Christian mother. Because we all know the Lesbian Witches currently running this country hate Jesus. I'd suggest we all gather at midday on Friday for a mass prayer and a rousing rendition of "God Defend New Zealand".

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    er ... I'll have to check (my home computer) ... but I'm trying to export from Limewire to iTunes ... yesterday iTunes said it would not recognise the file...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: They will come, so build it.,

    They walk ...

    Interesting concept, human - tell me more of this thing you call walking?

    Eden Park. When there are three times as many people exiting a test match or a World Cup game, the crush will be a lot worse.

    I was against the Council giving them that $9m back in the 90s because I could see back then there was no point in continuing to throw money into a stadium slap bang in a residential neighbourhood. But no, the politicians throw good money after bad because the NZRFU sold them a pup named 'Legacy'.

    I still think the $$$ would have been better spent on Mt Smart (and the Carlaw Park site could have had a dedicated train station built in) but blimey let's not relitigate those arguments further on PAS - the horse has been flogged, died, and buried! (he says, after getting his own last thoughts in)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wellington, you win,

    it seemed particularly glorious this summer. The weather was great, the nights were warm, and there was hardly anyone on the roads.

    And yet you rail against global warming??
    You're such a __flip flopper__ ...!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    so ... does anyone know of any filesharing systems that can download to iTunes? (Apart from the 99¢ Apple Store?) I just wasted alot of time downloading childrens party songs via Limewire, only to find you can't import the mp3 files to iTunes.

    It's good to have a boogie man though, no?

    Can't start a War On Anything without one!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: They will come, so build it.,

    Slarty - you were not alone, I supported it as well. Having struggled getting to/from Eden Park for the last 2 international cricket matches, the rubbishing the proposal got still annoys me.

    There's a fricken train station right across the road from Eden Park. If you think Eden Park was hard, how do you think it will be easier getting to a waterfront stadium in the city?

    Me too. When people complained that the stadium would cut off the city from its waterfront, I thought ... have you seen the part of town you're talking about?

    Wow! Et Tu RB? Do you think that part of town will stay that way forever? Probably, if you stick a blardy great stadium in front of it. A stadium that would only be used 12 times a year.

    Anyways, if the cruise industry feels the facilities aren't up to scratch, shouldn't they be the ones paying for better ones?

    Heh heh - you misunderstand capitalism Rich! How can we make a profit if we have to pay for things? If you pay for it we shall bring you enormous boatloads of wealthy cruise patrons who will shower your fine city with enormous amounts of money and that money will trickle down to everyone enabling you all to send your children to private schools and/or cut your rates bills in half within ten years.

    I second that - I spent six years sailing for Cunard, and visited close to three hundred ports all around the world. Even before the new Hilton was built our facilities were easily in the top ten percent for both quality and location/convenience.

    Thankyou Leigh!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: They will come, so build it.,

    heh heh -- you obviously paid attention in Geography class you big girlie swot Kyle! ;)

    Me, I had no idea, and as I mentioned, they kinda implied we were docking in Rome ...

    (Lovely place Rome. Sure, plenty of Tourists, but you gotta see it at least once if you can. I've been twice)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: They will come, so build it.,

    she ... noted of Auckland's woeful passenger facilities ... "if that was the airport we'd be shocked and horrified".

    Heh heh. Don't fall for this folks! I've been on cruises in both Asia and the Med and I can tell you Cruise Visitors have it good when they come to Auckland. Like being able to dock in the heart of the city for starters!
    Many of the Asian ports we docked at were like docking at Onehunga wharf, but with less facilities and even further away from anywhere. When we docked in Rome (as per the itinerary) I was surprised to learn that we were actually docking in Civitavecchia*, which means a 90 minute coach ride to Rome (which is actually on a river, not the coast - damn those tiny maps in the brochures!).
    But of course, if we want to be 'A.World.Class.City" I guess we'll have to spend half a billion dollars of ratepayers money (I don't think taxpayers will stand for another subsidy for Mega Wealthy Auckland) to build something grand.
    At least it will be get more use than Eden Park.

    [*OK, I knew it was Civitavecchia, but they implied it was Port Civitavecchia, in Rome]

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    At an open home last weekend I saw not one but THREE iPods in the kids' bedrooms. Three! Would it be wrong for me to go back this weekend and pop one (or two, or three) of them in my pocket? Would I be striking a blow for Artists rights?
    Kleptomaniacs for Jesus

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wellington, you win,

    I detest 'us vs them' contests

    Don't we all. But that's not to say that Auckland isn't preparing a come back, something so big it could be considered kiwi entertainment's equivalent of Shock & Awe -- yes New Zealand, stand well clear ... for the onslaught of ... DJ Peter Urlich on a tour of hotel ballrooms

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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