Posts by Don Christie

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  • Hard News: Claims,

    See this is what I don't quite get about your posts, Craig. On the one hand you express disgust and indignation about the likes of Wishart but when those attacked try to defend themselves you say they should STFU and not get into the sewer, as if somehow they are Wishart's equivalents. And then there are those that say unless the attacked defend themselves - by suing - they must be guilty.

    Kind of no win situation of you are one of Wishart's victims.

    On another tack I found myself agreeing with Rosemary McLeod for just about the first time.

    Money quote:

    Sometimes those bad things can seem overwhelming on a personal level, but they don't make the world itself a bad place. As a country it seems to me as if we've lost our bearings. We don't seem to place as high a value on the common good, as we do on trashing each other, and in a country this small that's dangerous.

    Who are the shadowy people who make claims against prominent people, and why do we always listen to them? Are their motives examined? Why aren't they named? Who'll be next? Is this how we want to live? Is this what we value?

    The point is that finding "bad cops" is surely not all that hard. They work with bad people all their lives and it can come as no surprise that some get warped. Weeding those guys out is obviously important and something this government seems to be rather keen on.

    But turning that process into the equivalent of a splatter flick and trying to take out as many good people you have a grudge against is something different.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    Doh, Judd.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    Plus, I don't know how you do the cute thing where you quote someone else's post in pale grey...?

    Ah now Michele. We could tell you but then where would the magic be?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    It seems that way. best to ask Cactus and Russell.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    Oh, I see. Brendhan, comments just follow based on the time they were posted, no matter where you hit the "Reply" button. Hence the over use of quotes to show who we are responding to.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: What's on David Bain's iPod?,

    Hadyn, I know this is terribly po-faced but you do recall Bain might well be facing another trial? He's on bail, not acquitted.

    I suppose this also explains why his lawyer and PI are so keen to discredit the entire Dunedin police establishment, including it would seem, those that are dead.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    Good points Jeremy, and nice to see a well reasoned response - certainly better than the comedian whose winning line in the argument the other night was to call me a "journalist c**t"...

    That's so unfair. You're no journalist. Ka-boom-cha.

    Hmm, not so hard after all.

    But straying back on topic, this PA audience is being a little harsh on local talent. Billy Connolly *still* raises roars of laughter by telling his audience that he's going to say "fuck" a lot and then saying "fuck", a lot. Sometimes it seems that the laughter from these audiences is forced. It's like they (and I) have paid all this money so we are damn well going to laugh, alright!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: What's on David Bain's iPod?,

    People SAY they listen to National Radio because they think it's what they should say when really they listen to ZM etc.

    Is that true? I would start watching TV again if TV1 ditched the ads. I cannot listen to commercial radio for the same reason.

    I know stacks of people from many walks of life who listen to Nat Radio - are their listening figures really that low?

    Apologies for not being a masher, BTW, just haven't got the talent.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: What's on David Bain's iPod?,

    And Don, no I didn't, I haven't seen any mash-ups yet

    Sorry Damian, I was joking. My point was that you did such a good job that even Mark Sainsbury (whom I recognise as a good guy and streets ahead of Paul Holmes or that lady that followed him) seemed like he understood OSS. This is noteworthy as it is unusual - hence the comment that it must be a mash up by an advocate like myself.

    All lost in translation, I guess you had to be here, inside my head.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: What's on David Bain's iPod?,

    yeah, that stuff on open source software was great. Did you get my mash up? It had Mark Sainsbury taking all the credit for your good work but a least I made him look like he understood what he was on about.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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