Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Hard News: They don't make 'em like they…,

    I don't use Firefox much -- yes, it's flexible, but Safari 3.0 is faster and funkier and I'm still just an Apple fanboy.

    Eh? Is this true? I know nothing about Macs (I just bought one and it ... heh heh .. worked) but I was reliably informed (or ...__**not**__!) that Firefox was better than Safari so I've been using that since I bought my new Intel chip OSX Tiger (Leopard's the new one right? Mine is 10.4.11). Seems to work fine, but if you think I should go back to Safari??

    BTW (since I guess this blog will attract computer geeks like the proverbial) any clues how I transfer the files from my OS9 Mac to OSX? The salesman never told me they wouldn't work on an Intel Chip Mac. Yes, I've asked this question before, but I was told there was nothing you could do except download OpenOffice which I did, but without success. (I know nothing about computers remember)

    And while I'm asking for advice; is there a doctor in the house? So far on PAS I've been typing 'draw dropper' instead of 'jaw dropper', 'put' instead of 'bought', 'seaman' instead of 'salesman' and sundry other typos. Am I about to get a heart attack?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: What the people want to hear,

    should the Government increase the levels of welfare and state-provided services as general income levels rise vs should they be a net that simply ensures a minimum level of wellbeing for all citizens.

    Hence the lobbying for Herceptin to be funded for a full year. Will the squeaky wheel get the oil? My dad got prostrate cancer; so I could argue more money needs to be spent on mens health. But I won't, because there can be no winners when you start arguing who should get the health dollar.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: National Landslide, or…,

    So if Factory X, which makes clothes at a labour cost of $12 an hour closes due to foreign competition, but in the same week Atelier Y opens up *designing* clothes at a labour cost of $25 an hour, then productivity per worker just doubled.

    But if Factory X employs 100 people at $12 and hour and Atelier Y employs 2 designers at $25 an hour there's a deficit surely?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Rove/Republicans Take Down Don Seigelman,

    It's a draw dropper


    I meant JAW dropper!


    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Rove/Republicans Take Down Don Seigelman,

    This report just aired Sunday (24/2) on 60 Minutes USA. It's a draw dropper (a constant draw dropper!). Here's hoping TV3 pick it up for local broadcast, but in case they don't:

    "A Republican [lawyer] in Alabama says Karl Rove asked her to try to prove the state's Democratic governor was unfaithful to his wife in an effort to thwart the highly successful politician's re-election," CBS's Scott Pelley reports for 60 Minutes. "Rove's attempt to smear Don Siegelman was part of a Republican campaign to ruin him that finally succeeded in imprisoning him, says the operative, Jill Simpson." Hat tip: HuffPo

    Republicans Take Down Don Seigelman - Part 1

    Republicans Take Down Don Seigelman - Part 2

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A thing that rarely ends well,

    But seriously...

    Oh yes, have you seen O' (jeez) Sullivan's column today?

    Well of course I saw it, but I didn't read it. Must I?

    They were clearly looking to avoid a photo opportunity. That may be yet more backfiring media management, but ....

    That's what I found unseemly about the image of Mallard wedging himself between Glenn and the PM. One would think someone had forewarned Glenn that he shouldn't let himself be photographed with the PM, and that he'd get a private meeting later. Which makes me wonder why Glenn headed in that direction - did he think he was being sandbagged and he wouldn't get his meet with Clark later? or was he just mischevious/arrogant (as the mega rich often are, they can't help it) and wanted his damn photo with Clark on the front of the newspaper regardless?
    I also wonder why Mallard had to be the wedge, but I suppose when you're that rich you can't send in a low level lackey.

    the fact that Glenn and Clark had a private chat on the same evening suggests outrage on Glenn's behalf is misplaced.

    I don't think there's any 'outrage' on Glenn's part, it certainly wasn't apparent in the Campbell interview. And I totally 'get' that Clark was joshing with Glenn when/if she suggested he could be Transport Minister. For National to suggest there was some serious quid pro quo is ridiculous. And if they keep going on about it the public will be forced to wake up to the facts, and then National will look stupid.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A thing that rarely ends well,

    beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    c'mon, we all know why those weedy little nerd boys are with those fat chicks, and it aint because 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.

    Disclaimer: I have a preference for the more fuller figured woman myself - thin girls can't do nuthin' for me man. So, er, I've invalidated my own argument?
    (I/O's got problems of his own)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    are there really only 2 chains?

    Yes, there's Progressive Enterprises who own Foodtown, Woolworths, and Countdown; and Foodstuffs NZ who own New World, Pak n Save, and Four Square.

    Progressive were able to buy the Woolworths chain because they convinced the Commerce Commission that a duopoly would NOT be created because Foodstuffs controlled 55% of the market. But they included the Four Square corner stores/superettes in that percentage.

    IMO that does not compare apples with apples vis a vis the Supermarket market, but hey, the Commerce Commish bought it so progressive got to buy Woollies. Funny then that the Commerce Commish is now digging it's heels in over efforts by both Progressive and Foodstuffs to buy The Warehouse (which would see an end to The Warehouse Extra supermarkets - which only have 4% of the market).

    With all due respect to musicians, I put it to you that more kiwi's are negatively affected by this Supermarket duopoly than music piracy.

    NB: Wikipedia have good detail on the change of ownership 'shenanigans' of NZ supermarkets.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: A thing that rarely ends well,

    The swanky coverage of Owen Glenn...

    My wife and I both watched him on Campbell Live and observed 'there's a guy who left school at 15 and is now filthy rich and yet still needs acceptance'. Don't get me wrong, he seems a decent bloke and one who has done a lot good with his money.

    But you can kinda picture him at his High School reunion giving all his old chums a Gold Watch and insisting it's no big deal.

    Which is why the footage of Trevor Mallard clearly blocking Glenn from approaching the PM (at the opening of the new AklUni Bus Sch) was so awful. I have no problem with Glenn donating/loaning money to the Labour party, but Mallard's actions just seemed ... unseemly.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another nail in the coffin of…,

    NZ food distribution is by and large controlled by two supermarket chains. This means they have the ability to dictate to food producers how their products are sold. Producers now not only have to produce the food, they have to also pay to have their product displayed on a shelf.

    At my local supermarket they don't stock the brand of frozen lasagne my daughter likes. This is presumably because [a] they've discovered they don't sell enough of this brand to make money, or [b] the producer of this brand isn't paying them enough to stock (promote/sell) it, or [c] a combination of both. There's also option [d] - the food producer won't supply the supermarket because they can't make a profit at the price the Supermarket is willing to buy at.

    The other Supermarket chain is too far away for me, so my daughter has to miss out on her favourite brand of lasagne. (I've tried making it myself but she doesn't like it). Unlike some other produce, I can't buy this lasagne at the Farm gate, or a Farmers Market. I am dependent on the Supermarket chains to distribute this lasagne, or go without.

    The sooner I can download lasagne to my iPod the better, I say.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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