Posts by webweaver

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  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    I feel your pain, Petra.

    My rose-tinted view of my adopted country and my fellow Kiwis has taken a hell of a battering these past couple of weeks.

    I'm pretty ashamed to be associated with them as fellow citizens right now.

    And as for FB - well, I have a dilemma. Do I unfriend those of my "friends" who are fans of Paul Henry on his FB page? I certainly feel like doing it. I'm not comfortable being "friends" with people who think that way - even FB "friends"....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    he's gooooonnnnnneeeeeeee


    Statement from Rick Ellis, TVNZ CEO (via Russell's Twitter feed which I happened to be glancing at the second it came through)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    Yeah - good on the BBC - but also look at all the anti-BBC and pro-Thatcher comments that follow the story.

    Their similar wording makes me feel like the comments were part of a concerted attempt by a group of like-minded people to spam the story, but then again - I used to be English and I know from experience what a lot of racists there are in that country.

    Talking of racists - I went looking in the Paul Henry Facebook groups to see if anyone had tipped anyone else off about the Herald poll and whether the dramatic turnaround in percentages in the poll was also due to a concerted spamming effort.

    Didn't find anything in the places that I looked but OMG the biggest Paul Henry Facebook group comments are UNBELIEVABLE. And APPALLING. And SHAMEFUL. Capitals required to describe this level of bigotry, racism and general low-lifeness. Not going to link. They don't deserve the google points.

    Makes me feel ashamed to be a citizen of the same country as some of those commenting on that particular forum.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    interesting - it's not changing when I refresh it. Maybe I have to clear my cache or something. Which side has which percentage?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Hard News: Morning in Auckland,

    Interesting that the tides of public opinion seem to be slowly turning - much like the oil-tanker-changing-direction at glacial speed exhibited by TVNZ and others...

    Opinion poll on NZ Herald website today has this result (in contrast to the ones on Campbell Live and other places last week that have already been discussed in various threads):

    Should TVNZ axe Paul Henry as Breakfast host?

    1. Yes, his comments about Anand Satyanand were unacceptable (54%)
    2. No, his suspension is a fair penalty (46%)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Voting Local 2010,

    The electoral officer is required by law to announce a preliminary result, including those preliminarily elected.

    OK fair enough - but nowhere on that elections2010 page does it actually say that - each set of preliminary results is headed "Results", not "Preliminary results" - and there's nothing on the page to say that there are still some votes to be counted and that these aren't actually the final results.

    I guess I'm just being a bit pendantic - but there you go - that's me. A dangly pendant all the way.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Voting Local 2010, how come the "results" are now up on the elections 2010 website with no mention of the special votes yet to be counted (so it currently looks like Kerry has won)?


    Wellington City Council already tweeted that Kerry has won ("based on preliminary results")

    Isn't that a little premature?

    Wellingtonista comment - 40 votes: now what?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Voting Local 2010,


    Feeling sick about the too-close-to-call in Welli. Prendergast can't win by 40 votes, she just can't! GO CELIA!

    Can't someone just find a hitherto-uncounted stack of 100 Pro-Celia votes that fell down the back of the sofa or something?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: At least we have MMP,

    I do think we should remove vote-splitting (so that an electorate vote implies a vote for the candidates party)

    ...and another "disagree" from me.

    In Welli Central (which has, I think, the highest Green Party vote in the country), there's been a tendency for many of us lefties to vote Green for our party vote and then strategically vote for the Labour candidate to keep the Nat candidate (or Prebble back in the day) out.

    Hence in the last election we achieved a 20%+ Green Party vote AND helped Grant Robertson (Lab) to beat Stephen Franks (Nat) by a coupla thousand votes when their party vote figures had the Nats ahead of Labour by 345.

    I value the ability to use one of my two votes strategically, and to me it's a fundamentally important aspect of MMP. I certainly wouldn't want to lose it.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

  • Voting Local 2010,

    Here in Welli I'm getting most of my candidate info from Wellingtonista (thanks Joanna!) - they've invited all the mayoral candidates (and any other candidates who want to) to answer a bunch of questions crowdsourced via Twitter. Linky goodness here:

    Celia Wade-Brown (standing for Mayor)

    Al Mansell (standing for Mayor)

    Kerry Prendergast (standing for Mayor yet again and who didn't follow the rules and got punished for it - very funny)

    Jack Yan (standing for Mayor)

    Bryan Pepperell (standing for Mayor)

    Kris Price (standing for council in the Lambton Ward)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 332 posts Report

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