Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Island Life: Know your current events,

    Can't remember if that was a Robyn Williams joke (he did Silvester Stallone as Hamlet once - To be ... or whut?"), or...

    You may well have heard Robin Williams tell it, but that doesn't mean it was his joke ... he's notorious for stealing jokes. (Just google 'robin williams steals jokes' to see!)
    Robin Williams, comedy's joke rustler

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Stories: Joined Up,

    My story of not joining

    I was in Standard Four, which I presume was 1974, and after school one day I was invited back to another boys house (with his three friends) to join their club. Considering the four of them were considered fairly cool (as cool as you can be at that age, in a white middle class neighbourhood) I went along, even tho' they wouldn't tell me what their club was called or what it was about.

    I found out when we got to the boys house. It was called The Streakers Club and I was invited to take my clothes off. I declined but they didn't care and they all took all of their clothes off. And then they grabbed their little tiny penises (__peni__?) and pulled them taut and proceeded to play 'guitar' with them. That was quite a band they had there, but I was horrified and left immediately.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: Know your current events,

    If only he'd had a comments section.

    I absolutely LOVED Romeo & Juliet but FFS what's up with the ending? Both of them dead?!!!! WTF??!!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: If it's Sunday...,

    Worse was when you'd see a story on one night, and then a week later it appeared on 3's evening news.

    This is how crazy it (still) gets sometimes;

    You see a news item on one local channel on Tuesday night courtesy of a US news outlet. Then you see the same item on the other channel on Thursday night, courtesy of a UK news outlet. The UK story has come off the satelite, but it's pretty much the same as the US item (ie using the same US video images), just tweaked by ITN or SkyNews for British consumption!!

    And yes, I am often left wondering what the definition of 'news' is when you see items a week later (on either channel).

    BTW - The US media are crediting the Drudge Report for 'breaking' the Prince Harry in Afghanistan story. This despite Drudge themselves crediting their sources. Obviously their world view does not include the German and Australian magazines that did it first in January ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: If it's Sunday...,

    You'll be able to get Freeview with your standard UHF aerial from April.

    So those of us in areas where UHF reception is shite are shite out of luck? Shite!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: If it's Sunday...,

    we lost World News Tonight with Peter Jennings from free-to-air television. It might have aired post midnight, but for a long time it was the news programme I least liked to miss. But TVNZ got the rights to World News Tonight and then sat on them, preferring to fill all its overnight slots with BBC World.

    yeah, I used to watch it all the time at mid-day on TV3. And then chuckle when they lifted an item whole for their 6pm bulletin -- they simply revoiced the report with a TV3 reporter, but still using the ABC script. I presumed that was why TVNZ stopped screening it (they were a bit more savvy to their audience being savvy).

    In a country where every fatal car accident gets a mention on the six o'clock news, it's fantastic that New Zealanders will again see network news as it is supposed to be done. And in 25 minutes.

    It's worse than that - we even get 'news' about Aussie car accidents. Or Aussie weather. Or Aussie anything. Meanwhile their coverage of NZ current affairs is limited to our sporting losses or interfering with sheep.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: They don't make 'em like they…,

    How boring was without the pics

    Even with the pics it's pretty boring. For sexy time try

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: Sing like you’re winning,

    (PS. Sick of the blanket coverage of Trinny and Suzannah yet? That one needs some close self-scrutiny within media organisations, surely.)

    I think you'll find it's a result of a successful PR assault by Westfield's muscle. Westfield own most of the big malls, and are a significant advertiser, hence the press coverage (TVNZ blanket coverage of one of their 'properties' was always a given) (which is why I was surprised to also see them hyped on Campbell Live). I'm guessing now they've gone you'll hear a few "Skinny Trinny Was A Complete B1tch" stories come out.

    Speaking of which ... gotta love Spinner's post above! I also heard a piece of nasty gossip at the weekend about the Dame ... which I won't repeat here for legal reasons. But when I heard it I responded "But you told me that last time she was here!" to which my friend replied "that's because it's still happening!" Ooh Er

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Hillary Marches fourth,

    heh heh - if it wasn't for the last clip I woulda thought it was a pisstake!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • 08 Internet NZ: Where now?,

    I'm surprised there's been no comment on PAS about Comcast (in the US) paying to fill seats at an FCC hearing so that 'the Public' were blocked from having their views on Net Neutrality heard.

    As John Kerry has just blogged on HuffPo

    Trying to lock out the public is a great example of why we need net neutrality. If the other side will use their money to restrict public access to a public meeting, how can we feel confident they won't use their power to restrict voices in the virtual world?


    The official response from this industry giant is to say that paying people to pack a hearing is simply a tit-for-tat response to the efforts of a grassroots organization of activists trying to make their voices heard. This is an outlook where money can overwhelm public participation, and where speech is a commodity not a sacred right of democracy.

    This behaviour by Comcast is outrageous and is a harbinger of their plans to toll the highway at every opportunity. WiFi may become free everywhere, but we'll end up paying for it elsewhere.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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