Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Radiation: New season,

    Three movies in a single dvd case just looks wrong.

    Plus, how do you file it alphabetically? Very vexing!

    It's quite easy:

    B is for all the Barbie movies ...
    C is for all the Curious George movies ...
    D is for all the Dora The Explorer movies ...
    H is for all the Hi 5 movies ...
    W is for all the Wiggles movies ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Island Life: Get over it,

    a cycle lane and walkway could be added to the clip ons for not 30 or 40 million but just 3 to 5 million dollars.

    Aw, bite me! And when you're done bite me again. I hereby promise to jump off the Harbour Bridge WITHOUT A BUNGY if they can build it for a finished cost of $5 Million!! And if it's over $10 million YOU have to jump ...

    I thought Brian Rudman was being excessively cynical with this piece in the Herald

    I thought he had it spot on actually. Click on Tom's link everybody. Let's try those shuttle buses again - I bet the result is the same. Cheaper than building a bike lane for 100 people.

    I live in the city and work on the shore, and commute a distance of 13km, 26km round trip, every day.

    That's not very 'green' of you. Shouldn't you move to the Shore? I'm joking of course, but how long before The Green Gestapo start accusing you of contributing to The Destruction of the Planet for exactly this reason? 5 years? 10 years?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • OnPoint: AIA and Maori Seats,

    Why does Infratil not seem interested in AIA?

    Here's who owns AIA. hmmm

    The Top 20 investors own 71% of AIA and of those 20 the Govt and 2 councils own 53% with the other 17 (of the Top 20) owning 18%. So I'd woulda thought there was a fat chance of the deal going through anyway. More so now that the Govt has switched the goal posts.

    I'm opposed to foreign ownership/control of key NZ assets, but I'm leaning towards Key's idea that you can sell up to 40%. But that presumes he means 40% in total - I don't want Megacorp International Llc setting up Megacorp NZ Ltd and each owning 40%.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • OnPoint: AIA and Maori Seats,

    My brother works for one of these Aussie owned banks, and he says it's the Kiwi profits that have been propping up their share price for years.
    (Which FYI have dropped significantly in past 2 months due to exposure to US Sub prime fiasco.)

    If NZ ever had a golden goose it would sell it at a handsome profit because it costs a lot to feed a goose you know. Better to let that chap from overseas buy the goose and then feeding it is his problem. Now we can use all that money to buy Plasma TV's for everyone!!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,

    Memoirs of a Geisha

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,

    There's some pretty wacky pricing on DVDs out there.
    Single disc crap titles can sell for the same price as 3-movies-on-3-discs-in-same-box.

    eg. You can buy Wizard of Oz for $29, or Wizard of Oz (with 2 other kids movies) for $29. (Not to say WoZ is crap, mindyou)

    I bought a Brokeback Mountain and Geisha twin disc set for $18 at Xmas at JB's which I thought was good value (but then my wife wouldn't let me give it to our cleaner cos he's gay. Evidently that's like giving Once Were Warriors to a Maori. Or Enter The Dragon to a Chinese neighbour. Or ... etc etc)

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Random Play: Sing like you’re winning,

    If the dresser stuck out a hand to receive the gum, this would suggest to me they were a willing participant in this

    Years ago my then GF was a little too enebriated so I had to take her home and tuck her into bed. No sooner had she put her head on the pillow than she blurted out "Bucket!". It was my first time in her flat. I looked around but there was no bucket, no substitute, and no time left. I had to cup my two hands together in front of her face, and she filled them. Tenfold.

    I remember reading an interview with a NZer who has become a big star on US TV

    Alan Dale?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Phoning a Friend,

    1. Under the stapled security approach, NZ would have lost serious dollars overseas: it's designed as a "tax efficient" structure. That was the only value these guys were bringing to the table, and that's why it was worth more to them than someone operating locally.

    Thank you for that Slarty, you said it much more eloquently than I did (but I had to run off and stop 2 kids fighting and then make them dinner. Who knew kids get scratchy if you don't feed them? Bad dad!)
    But I stand by my comment: this deal was jiggery pokery. Quite legal under the rules, but jiggery pokery none-the-less. So Cullen has changed the rules. Yes, his timing could have been better.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • OnPoint: AIA and Maori Seats,

    if the Canadians are offering 30% more than the market rates the AIA shares it may be that they see the opportunity to make the airport more productive.

    I doubt that. The original deal involved a fair bit of jiggery pokery. They weren't offering to buy a 40% stake in in AIA. They were proposing to form a new company which would buy AIA and borrow money to do that and pay a higher price than AIA is worth because some AIA assets would be sold and others revalued (up) the end result would be that the councils would get a tidy amount in cash plus shares in the new venture which they could keep or sell or buy more of and Canada Pensioners would own 40% of this new Airport Company.

    I don't profess to know/understand it all, but I know jiggery pokery (having watched how Eric Watson buys companys, floats them at a profit, and then buys them back when they nose dive in value) when I see it. Cullen twigged too, and closed down the tax benefit the Cannucks were hoping to profit from. (Similar to how New Line effectively had kiwi taxpayers pay for LOTR). But even that didn't stop them, hence the latest move.

    </unfinished comment>

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Radiation: New season,

    Have you caught up with the whole Sarah Silverman-fucking-Matt Damon thing yet? Here's Jimmy Kimmel's response, but, y'know, is it laughing at gays?

    Yeah, that was so last week!

    I thought both clips were funny, but Kimmel's left an unpleasant aftertaste. It really did seem dated in what it's concept of 'the gay lifestyle' was. Very last century. Here's hoping that if Silverman does a reply it's not full of Lesbians in buzzcuts and boilersuits.

    The day NBC confirm Bionic Woman is axed is the day I stop watching. I've managed to cut down a lot on my TV intake simply by asking 'is this really that interesting?'. Life is hanging on by a thread, saved only by that hot chick from The L Word.

    Pushing Daisies has already fallen by the wayside, and Greys Lobotomy? Meh. I've got 3 eps of that recorded that I still haven't been bothered to make time to watch. House is a lost cause - c'mon people it's the same story every frikn week!! Lost went MIA for me in Season 2, but I'll admit to a hankering to rent the box set on DVD just to see if really does get better so maybe it's just AWOL. Dirty Sexy Money? I'm still watching, but not sure why ...

    I've been watching Six Degrees every week and again I'm not sure why. I see from the end credits it was made in 2006 so it's probably about to finish suddenly. Like Bionic Woman. Wouldn't it be cool if they just finished that show by having her munted by a really big truck?

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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