Posts by Kim_Wright

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  • Hard News: Incomplete, inaccurate and misleading, in reply to BenWilson,

    Ruh-roh. It's like every scooby doo episode I ever watched. How many masks will we have to pull off before the the slightly left of centre blogger is revaled to be Rush Limbugh?

    "And I'd have lured/scared them all to the right if it wasn't for you meddling kids"

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

  • Hard News: Incomplete, inaccurate and misleading, in reply to BenWilson,

    Yes there was a link between JF and Slater but the waters are very muddy. Real question - is this blogger spelled Forman or Foreman? Seems commentators who are promoting him are using Forman or Foreman.

    In the quoted email which apparently was sent directly to Cam Slater from Josh Forman/Foreman and is copied and pasted direct from whaleoil's blog onto Pete George's blog (link below) he is signing himself Foreman. Thank goodness google took me to the re-paste because I couldn't bring myself to look at whaleoil directly even for the purposes of unravelling an enigma. Am I reading too much into this ambiguity? Does it matter if he is Foreman or Forman? Why do I care? I think because it distresses me to think that this new 'lefty' blog is the latest modus operandi for the dirty politics crew.

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

  • Hard News: Incomplete, inaccurate and misleading,

    Hmm couldn't resist googling - apologies for the long link to a right wing blog site but there's info about the connection between whaleoil and slightlybereftofcredibility whoops slightlyleftofcentre (which now has password-only access).

    This Alf chap has kindly copied and pasted what appears to be an entire blog post from Josh Forman and it makes for some unpalatable reading. (Apologies in advance for probably providing this Alf guy with more hits in a day then he has received all year on his blogsite.

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

  • Hard News: Incomplete, inaccurate and misleading,

    I too checked out the "slightly left of centre" blog after hearing Tau Henare championing it on The Panel and thinking "what's all this then?". I found it to be confusing yet boring at the same time. Admittedly I am lefter than most in my beliefs but I couldn't see anything left about it all, and it certainly didn't entice me to attempt a repeat visit. Has Tau been played or is he involved in helping set this up? How did he suddenly come across this 'sensible new breath of fresh air from the left' (I'm paraphrasing can't remember his exact words).

    Most disturbing, yet kind of lame that whomever actually made the blog thought people would suddenly decide to tone down their lefty rabble rousing and be influenced by an 'I'm right but I'm calling myself left because I'm tricky like that' blog.

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

  • Hard News: Vision and dumbassery, in reply to Dismal Soyanz,

    Non sequitors seem to be his bread and butter response.

    I have just invented a drinking word game to play while awaiting for the election results on Saturday night.

    1) Transcribed all of Johns Key's recent answers to questions about dirty politics and the GSCB, onto separate pieces of paper
    2) Cut each sentence exactly at the pivot point where he digresses to 'something that has absolutely no relevance to the question asked
    3) Mix and match sentence halves until someone forms a coherent sentence: Sentence maker drinks.
    4) If the sentence answers a question he has actually been asked: Everyone drinks.

    Not sure for the conclusion if no coherent sentence can be formed. Could be a dry night.

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

  • Hard News: Vision and dumbassery,

    The Greens are bad m'kay

    John Ansell 'activist' justifies his attack billboards. I have been driving past one of these most days, but to me "Red Alert: Labour means 30% Greens" is a good thing, and I am definitely in his target market.

    feeble defence of dirty politics

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    Here's PM Key's response to being asked about the email (quoted from the Fisher Herald article):

    "I do not believe that to be correct, I have no recollection of the conversation that's alluded to in that email.

    "There are no records there and the meetings that I had were with other people around me, so in the end, we're going to get to the bottom of it but we don't have any record of it."

    Hmmm the old 'there's no record so it didn't happen' defence. Isn't that the defence used by former cabinet Minister Collins?

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics,

    The panel is the least profession programme on Radio NZ National. After seeing so many similar comments, can I suggest that all who are concerned with: the use of commentators from the taxpayers union and similar shills; the edging out of anti-government commentators (e.g. Josie McNaught); and, the failure to disclose allegiances etc.; write directly to Paul Thomson the CEO of Radio NZ. They seem to be sailing close to the wind with regards to their charter 1(g). I am quite often commuting when the panel is on and although I love National radio I more often than not turn the dial off in disgust at Jim Mora's complicity (my abhorrence reinforced significantly after more so after reading Dirty Politics).

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

  • Hard News: A wretched editorial,

    I feel sick reading that whaleoil excerpt posted by Toby Manhire. What the hell does Slater mean by the "hallmarks of an attempted rape?"

    I occasionally browse the trademe messageboards to see how Joe Public think and there is some very strong victim-bashing and slut-shaming rhetoric on there at the moment and not just as a fringe element. If you can stomach it, those messageboards show just how far we have to go in NZ. It's depressing how many people think exactly as whaleoil does. Rape culture is alive and flourishing I would suggest.

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

  • Muse: Those Racist Casting Call Blues,

    I remember seeing Take 3 when it came out. But where; as a short in a film festival, perhaps?. Could it have been on an Air NZ flight?

    Bit crappy that it ages so well and seems just as relevant today as it did seven years ago.

    Wellington • Since May 2009 • 57 posts Report

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