Posts by dad4justice

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  • Hard News: The People's Choice,

    Well done Russell with the recent awards.

    Regarding Tony Blair – he is a liar, as F4J did not ever try to kidnap his son Leo.

    Regarding the David Bain case. I believe that judicial errors, negligence, malpractice and ill-will have compounded the situation. The judiciary is a disgrace to the judicial oath and it is quick to construct a house of cards cover up through the abuse of power. The administration of our law system needs a radical rethink, however the likelihood of judicial and police accountability in New Zealand is a delusional thought?

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

  • Hard News: Compromise,

    Smacking bill fiasco brings to mind two words , political coercion , watch the arrests rock on in , what a cess-pit country !!

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some actual politics,

    Simply brilliant writing Craig

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

  • Speaker: To Smock is to Love,

    Thank you Tony , yes these people are blind to the truth that this government is the most family unfriendly in our short history .

    The behaviour of Clark , Bradford , Maori Party , Media etc etc.. is beyond belief . They think they can fix child abuse overnight by signing a bill of bullshit . This government is incapable of providing any practical solutions to avoid child abuse , however they enjoy creating fatherlessness which promotes child abuse !!! Go figure because I don't understand this nonsensical totalitarian nutbar government .

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

  • Speaker: To Smock is to Love,

    Good attempt Anke :
    “But maybe that's just another one of those optical delusions I've been having lately.”

    One question please about the nanny state utopian government you seem to support.

    All this concern about the plight of vulnerable children by a government that has twice voted at United Nation’s level not to support the equal status of mothers and fathers? Surely it would be in the child’s best interests to treat parental genders the same! It’s makes the concern for spanking the children seem rather meaningless? Equal = remember that word at school? Yeah right!

    Do you think a socialist contagious conscience could give the honest answer? Thought not – welcome to reality as the Labour/Green social engineering brigade is being exposed, as foolish making no sense ogresses.

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some actual politics,

    Oh yeah, nearly forgot that the ogre of beating and hitting children was started by the missionaries, as Maori were to busy boiling up people due to hunger, while the settlers were hungry to give to the land . Naughty Cook should have never come here eh . Don't answer - as this is so stupid it's not worth talking about the sad state of kiwi politicians .I just watched the ogress Bradford on TV debate discussing the anti spanking bill - God help NZ - what drongo's !!

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some actual politics,

    James G - not here to argue mate - I was joking - get a grip man .

    Russell B - what were Maori doing to each other when the missionaries first arrived , boil the pot bro , I am thankful they corrected that mate .

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some actual politics,

    Most of the Labour MP’s are invisible as they like to run things on remote control stealth, a bit like the Clayton Cop-out Cosgrove, who fails to answer various requests from concerned constituents about the Bradford anti – family bill. We wanted to ask him -whether on the balance of probabilities did he think that the bill would demonise or criminalise decent parents? He was absent when we had a protest in his electorate town of Rangiora, but to be fair Sue Bradford walked out of the room when I asked her the same question at the select committee that was hearing verbal submissions. I am lost for words at the foolish outburst from the inept Maori party pointing the blame on our white settlers for smacking. What will it be tomorrow for pro smackers = we ALL originated from planet Clare? What else would I expect as opponets of Bardford 's - the help destroy the family even further bill - have been called every sordid word in the collins dictionary .
    What level will they go to force their ludicrous social engineering down the throats of a majority of concerned voters? Talk about bloody migraines headaches, every painful day this lost the plot government continues the more nurofen plus I consume.

    It is little wonder that I detest politicians in any shape or form, as not one can lie straight in bed and all the twisted Wally’s give me the screaming crappers.

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    Miss Clark and Ms Bradford are level 1's, while I am still undecided what level the horsewhip women is ?

    Goodnight and don't let the bed bugs bite .

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    "Diverting resources from, say, the family court into Creative NZ "
    Yeah right, what else would I expect in la la land where deluded creative/utopian simple minds - amuse simple people = theatre , how funny , how silly , talk about a bad acid trip !

    Forget the art therapy Che, as this place is satuarted with fart therapy experts, and has the distinctive fetid smell of a shipwreck of fools trapped in a morass of morals ?

    Since Jan 2007 • 50 posts Report

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