Capture by A photoblog


Art On The Street

by Jackson Perry

Tank Art Project, Silo Park

Auckland has had an uneasy history with street art, but with the Tank Art Project reaching completion today, supported by local art stalwart Hamish Keith OBE, and inspired by the words from C. K. Stead's poem Auckland (included in the paintings), it seems we have reached more than just a happy coexistence. 

There is a plethora of information out there about the project, so I won't harp on about it.  Here's Campbell Live On it last night for starters, with C.K. Stead reading part of his poem.

The Artists themselves should be the focus though, with Elliot O'Donnell (AKA Askew One), and his team, including Elliot Francis Stewart, Gary Silipa, and many others doing such an incredible job on this.

I'm pretty sure it would be a great place to go watch the eclipse today, remembering of course to wear your shades.

Now, this being a Capture post, we'd love you to go find your favourite piece of street art, snap it, and post it in the comments.  There's a whole heap of wonderful stuff out there, so go large.

ETA:  Have added two more photos today (16 Nov) of the red and white silos, which show the complete poem, and the final two smaller ones set back from the road.

You can also read the whole poem here.

Capture away.

Set up shot with sea gull. Not quite drifting over. Photo: Jackson Perry

Auckland by C. K. Stead. The full poem on two Silos to he West of others. Photo: Jackson Perry

The last two silos finished, set back from the road. Photo: Jackson Perry